Asp License Agreement

In addition, this version of the agreement includes the provision of comprehensive training by the PPU. An additional timetable is provided to allow the ASP to define its own training program. Two alternative versions, in which the client must take into account his own training needs, are also available. The application software is located on the vendor`s system and is accessible by users via a web browser with HTML or by special vendor client software. Custom client software can also be put in touch with these systems via XML APIs. These APIs can also be used where integration with internal systems is needed. PHAs may or may not use multitenancy to provide software to customers; Some ASPs offer an instance or license to each customer (z.B. through virtualization), others make them available in a single access mode with multiple customers, now more often called “SaaS.” All content is copyrighted by Microsoft or its suppliers. The use of the content is, if any, subject to the terms of the license agreement that accompanies or contains the content. Microsoft may own patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering content, software or services. Unless there is an express provision of a Microsoft-written license agreement, the provision of content, software or services does not grant you a license for those patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property. (A) Copyright Grant – Subject to the terms of this licence, including the terms of licence and restrictions set out in Section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, global and free copyright license to reproduce their contribution, prepare works derived from their contribution, and distribute their contribution or any derivative works you have created. This license regulates the use of the code marked “example” or “example” that is available on this website without a license agreement, as stated in the section above entitled “NOTICE SPECIFIC TO SOFTWARE AVAILABle ON THIS WEB SITE.” If you use such a code (the “software”), you accept this license.

If you do not accept the license, do not use the software. If a software contains a copyright mention or similar mention of the property indicating that it is in the possession of someone other than Microsoft and contains its own licensing agreement, that software is assigned to them by that other party and not by Microsoft, and Microsoft does not grant you any intellectual property rights (explicit or implied) regarding that software. Microsoft may also host third-party hardware on the site, including software, tools, data, multimedia content and documents (“third-party materials”). Unless otherwise stated in an applicable licensing agreement, these documents are the property of third parties, are uploaded to the website and are only authorized by the third parties concerned and not by Microsoft, and all rights to download and use these third-party materials are granted exclusively by third-party owners. If Microsoft makes other software available on this website without a licensing agreement, you can only use it to design, develop and test your programs to be run on Microsoft products and services.

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